7. 辦理校友證繳費方式有哪幾種?How can I pay the NTHU Alumni Membership Fee

7. 辦理校友證繳費方式有哪幾種?How can I pay the NTHU Alumni Membership Fee


  • 信用卡付費:當您申請完畢校友證時,請於顯示畫面中,輸入個人信用卡資訊,即可完成繳費。
  • 虛擬帳號繳費:當您申請完畢校友證時,頁面將出現轉帳資料,請依照畫面顯示之匯款資訊進行轉帳,即可完成繳費。

Since February 2022, NTHU Alumni Service Center accepts two payment options, including credit card and transfer.

  • Credit Card: As you finish the application for an alumni card, please enter the credit card info at the next page.
  • Transfer: As you finish the application for an alumni card, the transfer information will be shown on the next page. Please follow the info and finish the payment either by ATM or by your digital account.